“Fumbling towards a better tomorrow”

Asking the meaningful questions with Derrick Carr

When things are bad, how do we get to a better tomorrow? Throughout Logic School, Derrick reminded us of ways that we could enact community everyday — that organizing is a set of relationships, and that abstraction can blur away the humanity of relationships. As part of his final project, Derrick shared his proposal for a podcast, as well as real, concrete tools to fumble towards a better tomorrow — more equitable offer negotiations that consider the bigger picture, to key questions applicants can ask during a job interview.

Further Resources from Derrick:

Practice the questions. Find a friend (your mirrored self counts). Lean into the conflict between the status quo and the world you’re asking after. Communications and consulting books like Difficult Conversations, and Non-Violent Communication helped me. Mariame Kaba’s We Do This ‘Til We Free Us also helps.

Derrick Carr (he/him) grew up in the Bay and lives in Oakland. He wants to make it less hard to do the right thing.

Find Derrick at https://twitter.com/whyderrick


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